Tuesday, February 13, 2024

 Just wanted to take a second and share some new blurbs by three presidential historians that I admire. They were kind enough to write these up for my new book Lincoln’s Ghost.

“Even a president as down to earth as Harry Truman sometimes wondered if the White House was haunted. Is it? In Lincoln’s Ghost, Robert Buccellato goes searching for the answer. Along the way he brings to life the many strange, weird, and paranormal things our commanders in chief and their families have encountered. Combining rigorous history with ghost stories, Lincoln’s Ghost is at turns humorous and, yes, haunting. It’s thoroughly enjoyable, but it might make you want to sleep with the lights on!”

Matthew Algeo, Author of Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure

“Robert Buccellato writes a mean, coolly, deliberate, and pointed prose, bringing to life ghosts long past. A great, informative, and (dare I say it) haunting book!”

- Jim Yoakum, author of The Bloviator: Sex, Drugs, Fraud, Suicide, Murder, Scandal, Adultery, Quackery, Corruption, Superstition and President Warren G. Harding.

“Lincoln’s Ghost” is a whimsical book full of Presidential ghost stories and lore from the creative mind of Robert Buccellato — the remarkable gentleman who brought you “Rumrunners and Moonshiners of Old Florida” and “Jimmy Carter in Plains: The Presidential Hometown.” Buccellato’s love of American History and natural ability for storytelling shines in this compelling compilation of spooky tales with mysterious ties to our American First Families and the haunted afterlife. It’s the perfect mix of fiction, speculation and campfire style ghost stories for anyone with an interest in our past Presidents.”

Andrew Och — The First Ladies Man — Author of “Unusual for their Time: On the Road with America’s First Ladies” VOL1&2

Lincoln’s Ghost is a new book that recounts all the humorous and odd history of White House/ Presidential ghosts and myths.